Explore the Book and Digital Project

Trans/South: Ten Stories of Identity shares experiences of trans people living and belonging in The South. This project from Coastal Carolina University interviewed 33 people from the Carolinas, including trans people, friends and family, scholars, and policy-makers. These interviews were used to create a book and digital installation that explores the complexities surrounding gender identity in the cultural landscape of The South.

Trans South Book Mockup


Trans/South contains ten stories of trans identity and Southerness. Crafted with bold illustrations inspired by hand-screen printing, the book explores navigating the challenges of being trans in a place where tradition is king.

Digital Experience

Embodied Spaces is a game-like digital piece where personal narratives intertwine with environments. Part of being trans is navigating everyday spaces to stay safe and comfortable. Watch how trans and other voices experience the same spaces.


The stories featured in Trans/South represent only ten experiences. Here are some additional materials that introduce trans issues and guides to providing support for those in the trans community.

"But whatever we can do to establish a platform to actually have [trans] voices heard…there is incredible power in sharing stories and in listening to people and then making those stories available to others. That really can have just a super transforming power socially, personally, politically."


The Athenaeum Press at Coastal Carolina University is grateful to the members of our community, in particular the trans individuals, their families and their friends who interviewed for this project. The Press is committed to telling underrepresented stories to expand the definition of The South. For information about our other projects, please visit our website to learn more, or click on the social media icons to keep track of this and our other projects.